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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano


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unibz news

Welcome to our Erasmus Guest Students!

Today the Welcome Session for Erasmus students in Bozen-Bolzano took place in the Aula Magna. More than 150 students attended the session, the highest number ever for the winter semester.

unibz news

Best paper for an (im)possible event

#bestpaper: Have you ever wondered whether you could throw a dice endlessly, and never throw a 6? Mathematics will tell you that this is a possible event, but it will never happen. A researc…

unibz news

Teamgeist der unibz

Die unibz hat als Team am 21. Südtiroler Firmenlauf 2022 teilgenommen. Mit 27 Teilnehmer*innen war die Gruppe bestehend aus Verwaltungsmitarbeiter*innen, Professor*innen und Studierenden sta…

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