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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Tenured associate professors

Bruno Carpentieri

+39 0471 016027

BZ P3.10
Faculty of Engineering
Dominikanerplatz 3 - piazza Domenicani, 3

Short bio

Bruno Carpentieri obtained a Laurea degree in Applied Mathematics in 1997 from University of Bari Aldo Moro, then he furthered his PhD studies in Computer Science at National Polytechnic Institute Toulouse. After some professional experiences as a post-doctoral fellow at the Karl Franzens Universität Graz, as a consultant for an FP7 European Project on heart modelling at CRS4 Sardinia, as an Assistant Professor at the University of Groningen and as a Reader in Applied Mathematics at Nottingham Trent University, since May 2017 he is helding an Associate Professor appointment in Applied Mathematics at the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Bozen-Bolzano. The specialty of his research is numerical linear algebra with applications and high-performance computing.


Computational Mathematics

76253A · MAT/08 · L-31 Computer Science - 2020 · EN

Introduction to Linear Algebra and Discrete Mathematics

76435 · MAT/02 · L-31 Informatics and Management · EN

Linear Algebra

76238 · MAT/02 · L-31 Computer Science - 2020 · EN

Main Research Areas

High-Performance Scientific Computing
Numerical Linear Algebra
Krylov Subspace Methods
Computational Electromagnetics

Selected publications

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