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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano


Social Interaction Design, particularly in regard to the intersecting fields of Interface Design, Experience Design, Spatial Practices, Tactical Urbanism, Community Development, Participatory Design and Social Design

Deadline for sending applications and publications

21.01.2021 at 12:00 PM (noon)


Our offices will remain closed from 24 December 2020 to 6 January 2021 (holidays).

Selection Board: decree of appointment

Rector's Decree n. 152/2021 of 31.01.2021

Approval of documents

Rector's Decree n. 769/2021 of 19.05.2021

The first of the ranking list

Jennifer Schubert


Selection procedure for one post of Junior University Researcher in the academic discipline ICAR/13 (Design) and in the academic recruitment field 08/C1 (Design and technological planning of architecture)

Number applications



The interview will take place on 26.04.2021 from 12:00 to 13:00 CET

Request info