Facoltà di Scienze e Tecnologie
Rector's Decree n. 394/2021 of 15.03.2021
Tiny FOP MOB - sustainable experimentation in the future of the building sector (TinyFOP)
Deadline for sending applications and publications
16.04.2021 at 12:00 PM (noon)
Approval of documents
Rector's Decree n. 789/2021 of 21.05.2021
The first of the ranking list
Laura Ruiz Pastor
Selection procedure for the awarding of one fixed-time research assistant contract for collaboration at research activity in the academic discipline ING-IND/15 (Design methods for industrial engineering) and in the academic recruitment field 09/A3 (Industrial design, machine construction and metallurgy)
Number applications
the oral examination will take place on May 13 , 2021 from 14.00-16.00