Facoltà di Scienze e Tecnologie
Rector's Decree n. 1921/2021 of 20.12.2021
Water losses and carbon assimilation in the vineyard as affected by changes of environmental drivers (WAVE) + New Projects Development Fund – Tagliavini 2014
Deadline for sending applications and publications
11.01.2022 at 12:00 PM (noon)
Our offices will remain closed from 24 December 2021 to 9 January 2022 (holidays).
Selection Board: decree of appointment
Rector's Decree n. 9/2022 of 11.01.2022
Approval of documents
Rector's Decree n. 292/2022 of 03.03.2022
The first of the ranking list
Ahmed Ben Abdelkader
Selection procedure for the awarding of 1 fixed-time research assistant contract/s for collaboration at research activity in the academic discipline AGR/03 (Arboriculture and Fruitculture) and academic recruitment field 07/B2 (Arboriculture and forest systems)
Number applications
The oral examination will take place on 24.02.2022 from 14:00 to 14:30 CET