Rector's Decree n. 2132/2024 of 29.11.2024
Sviluppo socio-emotivo ed interventi basati sulla psicoregolazione con focus sull'infanzia ed età scolare. - Sozial-emotionale Entwicklung und psychoregulative Interventionen mit Schwerpunkt Kindes- und Jugendalter
Deadline for sending applications and publications
20.01.2025 at 12:00 PM (noon)
Selection Board: decree of appointment
Rector's Decree n. 214/2025 of 04.02.2025
Selection procedure for 1 post/s of junior university researcher with fixed-term contract (Art. 24 law 240/2010, RTDa)) in the acad. discipline PSIC-02/A (Developmental and educational psychology).
Number applications