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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Prof. Oswald Lanz, scientific director of Covision Lab and professor at the Faculty of Computer Science.
Prof. Oswald Lanz, scientific director of Covision Lab and professor at the Faculty of Computer Science.

unibz news

Computer Vision in the Age of Deep Learning

If AI enables computers to think, computer vision enables them to see, observe and understand. Tomorrow, Wednesday 6 April, Prof. Oswald Lanz will stream an open lecture on Teams.

The lecture by Oswald Lanz, scientific director of Covision Lab and professor at the Faculty of Computer Science, is hosted by Prof. Bruno Carpentieri’s series of lectures entitled “Nine equations that changed the world”. The title of Lanz's lecture will be “Computer Vision in the Age of Deep Learning”. 

In this lecture prof. Lanz will introduce the audience to an engaging field of research and show through examples how modern deep learning has advanced Computer Vision and AI over the last ten years at an unpreceded pace.

“My talk will include info about my own research during and following my PhD, some of the milestones and latest research of the field, and a short technical excursion to meet the working principles of perceptron, the first learning machine designed for image recognition developed back in the 50ies”, prof. Lanz says, “I will conclude with an overview of technology developments at Covision Lab, Bressanone-Brixen, whose mission is to take the state-of-the-art in computer vision and machine learning research and apply it to solve challenges in various industries”.

The lecture will start at 6 p.m. To attend, simply log on to teams at the following link. Attending code: skta2zn.


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