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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

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Paper on wall

Event type On-site Event

LocationRoom BZ F0.03 | Universitätsplatz 1 - piazza Università, 1
Location Information

Departments DES Faculty

22 Apr 2024 18:00-20:00

«I just don’t like eggs!» Andrea Fraser on collectors, collecting, collections

Lecture organised in collaboration with the Antonio Dalle Nogare Foundation in conjunction with the first large Italian solo exhibition dedicated to the artist's research.

Event type On-site Event

LocationRoom BZ F0.03 | Universitätsplatz 1 - piazza Università, 1
Location Information

Departments DES Faculty

Entitled «I just don’t like eggs!» Andrea Fraser on collectors, collecting, collections, the exhibition is curated by Andrea Viliani with Vittoria Pavesi and will be presented from 13.04.2024 to 22.02.2025 at the Foundation.

One of the most radical and influential artists of her generation, Fraser's pioneering work in the field of the Institutional Critique investigates the social, financial, and affective economies of cultural organizations, fields, groups, and individuals. Performatively embodying the data that she generates through her research, Fraser’s practice is as physical and affective as it is critical and intellectual, availing herself of the instruments of humor and pathos as well as analysis and resorting to the discursive staging of debates, performative actions, scripts, data and incursions into museums that shift the standards, models and rules of the art system and critically redefine our relations to them. The artist’s sociological and psychoanalytic approach becomes the lens for questioning the art world and highlighting its contradictions, projections, wills, and wishes.

The lecture will be followed by a dialogue with the audience.

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