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people attending a research seminar

Event type Hybrid Event

Location Room BZ E5.21 | Universitätsplatz 1 - piazza Università, 1
Location Information

Departments ECO Faculty

Contact Greta Kollhof

29 Feb 2024 12:30-13:30

Informal employment from migration shocks

Research Seminar - Prof. Marica Valente, University of Innsbruck proposes a new “forensic” approach to detect and quantify informal employment resulting from irregular migration shocks.

Event type Hybrid Event

Location Room BZ E5.21 | Universitätsplatz 1 - piazza Università, 1
Location Information

Departments ECO Faculty

Contact Greta Kollhof

Focusing on a largely informal sector, agriculture, and on the exogenous variation from the Arab Spring wave on southern Italian coasts, we use machine learning techniques to document abnormal increases in reported (vs. predicted) labor productivity on vineyards hit by the shock. Misreporting is largely heterogeneous across farms depending e.g. on size and grape quality. The shock resulted in a 6% increase in informal employment, equivalent to one undeclared worker for every three farms on average and 23,000 workers in total over 2011-2012. Informal employment causes significant increases in farm profits by reducing labor costs. It does not affect grape sales and prices, and has only minor impacts on the wages of formal workers.