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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

MA Eco-Social Design

Works of the 1st Semester 2016/17

In first semester of the Master offers intense learning experiences for enabling students to develop complex projects later. Working on small projects offers opportunities to upgrade design skills, creative concept development, team work, storytelling and more.

Intro and overview

In the first semester the core ideas of eco-social design were introduced, also seen through the lens of social sciences (Political Ecology, Sociology, Moderation & Participation). While the courses Information Design, Product & Materials and in Digital Design & Fabrication provided instruments to get things designed and build practically. The continuous collaboration in the workshops, the shared atelier and the excursions nourished a cooperative spirit and a lively atmosphere. This helped a lot to get students and teachers with diverse backgrounds and characters into productive processes in intense and mostly pleasant ways . Two short workshops completed the offer (one in Project Management, and another one called Internet of Plants getting hands on Arduino & co).


By Ivana Bertola and Sarah Arisci

A greenhouse for the unibz community garden to grow and observe plants in an ideal environment.

See the Booklet


By Manu Immler and Ladina Ingold

A flexible and adaptable base for a growing garden.  

Our contribution to the project should tackle multiple issues at once. The gardeners have many diverse needs for their plants and beds. They also want to get more beds over time. Therefore we planned on building a very flexible bed, that everyone can build on their own and also adapt it to their needs. As the garden itself is very flexible and even might move over time, for example for advertisement reasons, we decided to make the bed itself moveable. The outcome is an easy-to-build high bed on wheels which we call Grow-Cart.

See the Booklet

Vivo Waal

By Anita Ferro Milone and Max Wosczyna

Water for a growing community.

See the Booklet

Flavour Table

By Luisa Möbus, Sarah Schäfer and Magdalena Vögele

A table with integrated herb bed and infographics that invites people to flavour their meal, get informed about herbs and meet in the garden.

See the Booklet

Trash is Treasure

By Dietmar Unterberger and Laura Heym

A composting box for the unibz community garden to turn everyday leftovers into precious soil.

See the Booklet

big thanks

Big thanks go to the craftsmen of the workshops and to the helpful people in the administration.

Partner: The Vivo Garden Community  E-Mail  / Facebook   

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On top of the furniture for the garden, students experimented interactive add-ons using Arduino within the workshop Internet of Plants.


By Sarah Schäfer and Anita Ferro Milone

A lunch alternative to connect students and local farmers to build up a relation to the origin of food.

Lunchpaket is an alternative lunch offer for students and staff at unibz, which is carefully prepared by local farmer families in collaboration with students. The project tackles economical and social issues farmers face. Besides an additional income for farmers, Lunchpaket suggests a framework for a collaboration of students to offers a possible solution against the social isolation of framers. Students profit from  a real understanding of the food’s origin and  they have the choice of a healthy and local lunch or snack alternative.

See the Booklet

The Lost Recipe

By Max Wosczyna

Expeditions to the heart & soul of our food.

see the booklet

Aquality Promise

By Luisa Möbus and Manu Immler

Highlighting the quality of the local tap water by intervening in the current drinking culture.

In this project we planned some interventions to greatly enhance drinking culture in the mensa at unibz. By reintroducing glasses in the mensa and shifting the focus from soft-drinks to tap water, we value the extraordinary good quality of the water in this region. The water also gets its own quality signet and a fountain is introduced to resemble the heart of the community.

See the Booklet

Buon appetito, piatto pulito

By Ladina Ingold and Laura Heym

An action based project located in the mensa to raise awareness for food leftovers.

See the Booklet


By Dietmar Unterberger, Magdalena Vögele and Ivana Bertola

A platform for unibz-students to realize their creative business ideas that increase common well-being, diversity and eco-social value.

See the Booklet

Teaching Team

Design Leads

Karl Emilio Pircher (Object–Space–Services), Kris Krois (Communication–Interaction–Services)

Teachers in Skills & Technologies

Lisa.Borgenheimer (Information Design), Andrea de Chirico (Design & Materials), Werner Stefano Villa (Digital Design & Fabrication)

Teachers in Sciences & Discourse

Sabina Frei (Moderation & Participation), Alvise Mattozzi (Sociology), Andreas Metzner-Szigeth (Political Ecology)

Partners Wanted

The summer semester will go under the annual topic ESSEN / ALIMENTARE /FOOD – from agriculture to table culture. Students can collaborate with external partners on creative projects that want to move towards more sustainable, resilient and fair ways of production , distribution and consumption – fostering solidarity, (bio)diversity and other values for a world we want to live in. If you are engaged in a initiative, organization, company, farm or any other enterprise that pushes in this direction, and you want to collaborate with passionate eco-social designers please write to