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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Competence Centre Tourism and Mobility

Applied research projects covering the interface of tourism and mobility are the focus of our work. Particularly we are interested in contributing to the sustainable organisation of mobility, the increase of guest satisfaction as well as the consideration of the mobility concerns of the local population.

Our goals are to analyse the mobility demand and movement patterns of locals and guests in tourism regions. Thus we work on the development of attractive mobility services or mobility-based tourist products in the Alpine region.

Our Mission


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Research Areas

Third Mission

The Competence Centre there takes an active role by taking part in public debate and activities and to offer its knowledge to regional stakeholders and their associations. By a continuous dialogue with the province government, the municipalities and districts, the IDM (South Tyrols agency for Innovation, Development and Marketing), the green mobility network as well as the cable car companies it keeps the contact to current problems. It supports partners from policy, tourism and mobility by ad hoc analysis, short expertises, key note speaches or participation in discussion groups.  


Photo: AGRfoto / Alex Rowbotham / Alamy Stock Photo

Destination Development photo: Unsplash / Julia Lobkova

Business Management Strategies photo: IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige / Benjamin Pfitscher

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