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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Courses of other Languages


In addition to courses in the three languages of instruction at Unibz, the Language Centre offers semester courses in French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian.

As well as unibz students and staff, courses of other languages are open to following users for a subsidised registration fee (€ 50 per semester course):

Students and teachers at the Conservatorio Monteverdi of Bozen-Bolzano, collaborators at Eurac, Museion, the Philosophical-Theological College Brixen, teachers at the unibz Language Centre with teaching assignments during the three-year period of validity of the respective ranking list.

Courses of other languages are also open to:

unibz graduates (alumni): participation in courses of other languages is included in the annual flat-rate fee (see section "Enrolment")

external users: they can only participate in the Arabic, Chinese and Russian courses upon payment of the registration fee for external users (see section "Enrolment").

Course calendar and deadlines

Courses 1st semester: 28 October to end of January
Enrolment period: 7-11 October
Payment: by 16 October
Delivery mode: online (MS-Teams)

Semester 2 courses: 5 April to mid/end of June
Enrolment period: 17-21 March
Payment: by 26 March
Delivery mode: online (MS-Teams)

Course schedules

Courses of other languages are delivered online (MS-Teams) in one of the following time slots:

  • Mondays and Wednesdays from 18:00 to 20:00
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18:00 to 20:00
  • Saturday mornings from 9:00 to 13:00.

Languages and levels offered

1st semester:

  • Arabic A1.1 beginners
  • Russian A1.1 beginners
  • Chinese A1.1 beginners
  • French A1.1, A2.1, B1.1
  • Spanish A1.1, A2.1, B1.1

2nd semester:

  • Arabic A1.2
  • Russian A1.2
  • Chinese A1.2
  • French A1.2, A2.2, B1.2
  • Spanish A1.2, A2.2, B1.2

Courses are only activated with a minimum number of 8 paying participants.

Any changes or additions to this offer, as well as the time slots for each course, will be published during the enrolment periods (see section course offer 1st semester” and “course offer 2nd semester”).


Enrolments can only be made during the enrolment periods (see section "Course calendar and deadlines") in the following ways:

  • Students, academic and administrative staff of unibz register for language courses via MySNS > Language Centre > Courses
  • the Philosophical-Theological College Brixen, teachers at the unibz Language Centre can register for the courses by contacting the Language Centre by e-mail at
    The pagoPA payment slip will be sent by e-mail and the amount must be paid by the deadline.
  • For unibz graduates (alumni), participation in courses of other languages is included in the annual flat-rate fee (€150 per academic year). The annual registration fee allows participation in all language courses at the Language Centre, except for the three-week intensive courses in September.
    Go to the alumni enrolment form 
  • External users can only participate in the Arabic, Chinese and Russian courses upon payment of a registration fee:
    8 €/ hour (20-hour course = 120 €; 30-hour course = 240 €; 40-hour course = 320 €)
    Go to registration form for external users (coming soon).

Go to the Language Centre regulations on attending language courses