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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Course Offering

On this page we show the lectures that are currently offered in the two semesters. It does not illustrate the structure of the study programme.

Target: Single subject and exchange students

Academic Year


Semester 1

Theory and Research in Social Work

12 CP · 53128 · SPS/07

Semester 1

Social Policy and Welfare production

12 CP · 53130

Semester 2

Labour Dynamics, Social Security and Administrative Action

10 CP · 53132

Administrative Law

4 CP · 53132B · IUS/10 · IT

Simone Franca

Semester 2

Community Work and Participation

6 CP · 53129 · SPS/08 · DE

Susanne Ursula Elsen

Semester 1-2

Professional Placement

4 CP · 53135

Free choice courses