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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Loans, Renewals and Requests


You can borrow up to 40 items by presenting your own campus, student or member card.

At a glance

Maximum number of loans: 40

Regular loan periods: 14 days (Reserve Collection Loanable) and 30 days (General collection)

Loan period renewable: Max. 8 weeks (Reserve Collection Loanable) and 4 months (General collection)

Renewals possible from home: Online via library catalogue or via telephone

Requests possible from home: Online via library catalogue

Loan period

Items of the General Collection (books, DVDs, periodicals with green label): 30 days (longer loan periods for students working on their dissertations, doctoral students, teaching staff of the university).

Items of the Reserve Collection Loanable (books with yellow label): 14 days

The loan period of an item being loaned but reserved by someone else at the same time, will be automatically cut by half (e.g. in case of an item from the Reserve Collection Loanable from 14 days to 7 days).

Renewing loans

All items of the General Collection and Reserve Collection Loanable can be renewed up to 3 times if it has not been reserved by another user. Thus it is possible to borrow an item of the General Collection for maximally 4 months and an item of the Reserve Collection Loanable for maximally 8 weeks.

A renewal can be done directly at the circulation desk, via telephone or online through your personal library account.

Returning borrowed items

Items borrowed from the library can be returned to any of the three main locations of the University Library (Bozen-Bolzano, Brixen-Bressanone and Bruneck-Brunico) as well as to the Central Library System in Schlanders-Silandro and the Library of the Istitut Ladin "Micurà de Rü".

In Bozen-Bolzano and Brixen-Bressanone you can return books using the self-check system or giving it to one of our librarians at the circulation desk. In Bruneck items may be returned on the book return.

Furthermore in in Bozen-Bolzano and Brixen-Bressanone you can leave an item in the Book Box that is located outside the university building. If you do use the Book Box, the item will be effectively checked in and removed from your personal library account only at the next day the library is open.

The value of damaged or lost items has to be replaced by the user.

If items are brought back late, a fine will be imposed (see the regulations on charges).

Your personal library account

Library users can check the status of their account at any time by clicking on My Account in our online catalogue. You can see how many items you have borrowed as well as their due dates. Furthermore you can renew and request items.

Requesting an item

You can request an item using our online catalogue.

When you request an item, you can also state the library where you would like to pick it up from: Bozen-Bolzano, Brixen-Bressanone, the Bruneck-Brunico City Library, the Central Library System in Schlanders-Silandro or the Library of the Istitut Ladin "Micurà de Rü".

You will get an E-Mail on behalf of the University Library once the item has arrived at the library you have selected.

Requested items of the General Collection remain seven days on the hold shelf whereas items from the Reserve Collection Loanable remain there only for one day. If you don’t pick up the item(s) in time the requests will be cancelled and the items will be re-shelfed to their usual location.

Delivery service

There is a regular delivery service that links our three campus libraries in Bozen-Bolzano, Brixen-Bressanone, Bruneck-Brunico, the city library Meran-Merano as well as the the libraries in Schlanders-Silandro and San Martin de Tor. This is a free service and allows libraries to exchange books.

Home Delivery

If you're not able to come to our campus libraries to pick up your requested books and willing to cover the costs, we will send them to your home address.

To do this you need to choose "Personal delivery – home address" as your pickup location when requesting the book in our library catalogue.

Afterwards we will contact you via email in order to organize your delivery.


  • 10 € for one book
  • 5 € for every following book in the same shipment.
Request info