Short bio
Andrea Fumagalli is professor of economics in the Department of Economics and Management at University of Pavia. He is member of Effimera Network, founder member of Bin-Italy (Basic Income Network, Italy). Among his recent publications, see The crisis of the Global Economy. Financial markets, social struggles and new political scenarios, Semiotext(e), Mit Press, 2010 (with S.Mezzadra), “Life put to work: towards a theory of life-value”. Ephemera, vol. 10, p. 234-252, 2011 (with C. Morini), “Finance, Austerity and Commonfare”, in Theory, Culture and Society, vol.32, n. 7-8, 2015. Economia politica del comune, Derive Approdi, Roma, 2017, Cognitive Capitalism, Welfare and Labour, The Commonfare Hypothesis, Routledge, London, 2019
Eco-social Economics
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Precarity in labour market, Basic Income and welfare policy, Mometary Theory. Bio-cognitive capitalism and process of valorization