Il rischio geopolitico dal punto di vista economico, industriale e aziendale: un'analisi delle diverse fonti di rischio e delle stategie che si possono attuare per minimizzarlo.
Prof. Angelo De Tillo, Bocconi University, presents how Blockchain fosters stability in inter-organisational relationships, impacting controls and governance.
Research Seminar - Prof. Davide Cipullo, Università Cattolica, explores how trade shocks shape voters' preferences for effective legislators in U.S. congressional elections.
Annual internal meeting of all researchers working within the iNEST project - Spoke1, as a time to compare and align research activities that have reached the end of the industrial research
Research Seminar - Prof. Alisa Sydow, ESCP Business School, on how identity play and opportunity reconstruction shape resilience in entrepreneurs during liminal times.
Öffentlicher Vortag am Vormittag zum Thema "Kinderschutz" und darauf aufbauender Workshop für Fachkräfte der Kleinkindbetreuung und Kindergarten am Nachmittag