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Freie Universität Bozen

Forschungsassistent:innen (AR)

Andrea Facchetti

Short bio

Upon completing a BA in Philosophy, Andrea Facchetti holds a MA in Visual and Multimedia Communication (Iuav University of Venice). In 2017 he completed a Ph.D at the Iuav School of Doctorate Studies in the program “Design Sciences”, where he developed a research regarding speculative practices and knowledge production in visual design. Since 2018 he is a Research Fellow and assistant professor at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Faculty of Design and Art. He is co-founder and co-director of Krisis Publishing, an independent publishing and curatorial platform focusing on media culture, politics of representation and social research.

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Design Kunst Studierende

Diplorama! Ausstellung der Abschlussarbeiten der Fakultät für Design und Künste

Auftritt für die Absolvent:innen der Fakultät für Design und Künste: Am 15. und 16. November findet ...

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To the magazine


graphic design
critical design
politics of representation
information design
visual culture
editorial design
design research