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Libera Università di Bolzano


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unibz news

Welcome to our Erasmus Guest Students!

Today the Welcome Session for Erasmus students in Bozen-Bolzano took place in the Aula Magna. More than 150 students attended the session, the highest number ever for the winter semester.

unibz news

Best paper for an (im)possible event

Have you ever wondered whether you could throw a dice endlessly, forever, and never throw a 6? Mathematics will tell you that this is a possible event, but it will never happen. A research t…

unibz news

Teamgeist der unibz

Die unibz hat als Team am 21. Südtiroler Firmenlauf 2022 teilgenommen. Mit 27 Teilnehmer*innen war die Gruppe bestehend aus Verwaltungsmitarbeiter*innen, Professor*innen und Studierenden sta…

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