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Libera Università di Bolzano

Ricercatrici e Ricercatori a tempo determinato | Tourism & Hospitality Management

Claudia Cozzio

Short bio

Claudia Cozzio is Assistant Professor of Management. She graduated from Bocconi University and has obtained a PhD in Management from the University of Padova. She has been a visiting researcher at the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Before joining unibz, she has worked as post-doc researcher at the University of Aosta Valley. Prior to her academic career, she has worked as a strategic and marketing consultant.


Introduzione al management

30160 · SECS-P/08 · Corso di laurea in Management del Turismo, dello Sport e degli Eventi · EN

Laboratorio di Turismo Smart

31007 · SECS-P/08 · Corso di laurea magistrale in Management del Turismo · EN


30165 · SECS-P/08 · Corso di laurea in Management del Turismo, dello Sport e degli Eventi · EN

Leggi di più su Claudia Cozzio

Sostenibilità Innovazione Riconoscimento

unibz tra i vincitori del bando crescerAI

Il progetto “Ridurre gli sprechi, ottimizzare gli acquisti” è stato selezionato dal Fondo per la Rep…

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To the magazine

Macroaree di ricerca

Claudia research interests are in the areas of consumer behaviour, tourists’ sustainable consumption, innovation in tourism, and mental budgeting. So far, much of her empirical work has dealt with the analysis of end-consumer actual behaviours by applying experimental approaches.

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